
Major Software Packages

GPRPy: Ground Penetrating Radar Processing and Visualization

GPRPy is a free graphical user interface-based ground penetrating radar processing and visualization tool. It is Python based and hence all of its prerequisites are also completely free. If you find GPRPy useful, please cite my GPRPy paper "Plattner, A. M. (2020). Gprpy: open-source ground-penetrating radar processing and visualization software. Leading Edge 39(5), 332–337. doi: 10.1190/tle39050332.1". For news and updates on GPRPy, please follow this Twitter account (gprpysoftware).

Local magnetic and gravity field inversion

For my planetary potential-field geophysics research, my Matlab/Octave software to construct and use altitude-cognizant Slepian functions and Slepian tapers can be conveniently installed using the scripts and demo functions on this Slepian Git repository. The scripts will automatically download other repositories and put them in the correct folder structure. I have been using these scripts in all of my planetary research.



Smaller Software Packages

Other near-surface geophysics software

You can download my near-surface Matlab-/Octave scripts, that I have been using for teaching and student research from NSGeophysics.

GPR-O Contains functions for ground penetrating radar data processing and plotting in 2D and 3D. The repository also contains an introductory text on how to use the software. Installation instructions are available on

Seism-O Is a software package to simulate various near-surface seismic refraction/reflection data set for simple settings. The Matlab/Octave scripts are available on Check out the wiki page for simple download instructions.

Planetary magnetic and gravity fields: Regional inversion

The following packages are part of the Slepian software package described above. But you can download the Matlab/Octave scripts independently from the following sources

Altitude-cognizant gradient vector Slepian functions

This is the repository SLEPIAN_Hotel that contains the programs to construct and use the altitude-cognizant gradient-vector Slepian functions presented in our research article Internal and external potential-field estimation from regional vector data at varying satellite altitude. This suite of programs requires other programs from SLEPIAN_Alpha, etc and the correct folder structure which can be set up easiest using these installation scripts and instructions.


General spherical vector Slepian functions

These are the spherical vector Slepian function software that I developed in collaboration with Frederik Simons, stored and maintained in the repository SLEPIAN_Golf. This suite of programs requires other programs from SLEPIAN_Alpha, etc and the correct folder structure which can be set up easiest using these installation scripts and instructions.


Alain Plattner
Department of Geological Sciences
University of Alabama
201 7th Avenue
Room 2023 Bevill Building
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487

Email: amplattner (at) ua (dot) edu